Stripping snapshot files from LoadRunner Citrix scripts

After several re-records of a Citrix script in LoadRunner, thousands of PNG snapshot files build up in the data dir. Over time they can build up to make your script eat up over a hundred megabytes of disk space, which is a little excessive given that the useful parts are only a few megs in total.

These snapshots are used to make the script tree-view useful, so you can’t delete all of them in case you need a reference image when inserting a new sync, keypress or some other event. So, I squirted out this little VB script which will remove unused stuff from the data directory, I’m sharing it with the Internet because I’m nice like that.

You can download it here.

To run it, just copy to the dir which contains your scripts (back them up first, I offer no warranty or compensation in case things go wrong) and click it. Be prepared to wait a long time, enumerating forty thousand bitmaps will always take some time.

When archiving your scripts you might also want to delete any results data, which also costs a few megs