3D rotating text

Made this back in ‘99.


Miniture letters demo By Bitplane 1999-

...some rotating letters of your choice.

Letters.dat and your bgi driver must be in the current dir.


TEXTROT <"text to rotate">



At the moment it only does the letters A-Z but the LETTERS.DAT file
is easily edited but you might need to edit letters.h and recompile...

ROTATE.H does all the 3d work - you might want to have a look inside


I to zoom in
O to zoom out

Z to rotate Z (X/Y) 
X to rotate back on Z 
C to rotate X 
V to rotate back on X
B to rotate Y 
N to rotate back on Y

1 to move viewpoint left
2 to move viewpoint right
3 to move viewpoint up
4 to move viewpoint down

9 to increase Z aspect   
0 to decrease Z aspect   
                         - I dont think ther's any limit on these so look
                           out (try not to go too far). decreasing helps
                           with long text...
Q to quit