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Set operations

They try to be set-like, supporting most of the operations that the set object does.

Actually, dunno how much of this I'm missing. Raise a ticket if there are gaps.

Symbol Name Code
A ⋂ B intersection A & B
A ⋃ B union A | B
A ⊆ B subset A <= B
A ⊂ B proper subset A < B
A ⊇ B superset A >= B
A ⊃ B proper superset A > B
A = B equality A == B
A' complement ~A
A \ B relative complement A - B
A ∆ B symmetric difference (A | B) - (A & B)
a ∈ A membership a in A
|A| cardinality len(A)
Ø empty set Ranges("")
ℕ0 natural numbers Ranges(":")